If You're Watching BSG...

A friend asked me when BSG would be starting again. I feel like I failed him.

For those of you who don't know, this Friday Sci-Fi will air the 7th episode of the first half of the season. The writer's strike delayed the start of the BSG premiere and the break will give the writers time to end the series on the right note. 

So where are we, for those of you who haven't been watching? Spoiler Alert for the purpose of catching you up.

Starbuck returns good as new - not dead as a blown up doornail, as you would expect from her demise in the middle of last season. She's returned and she knows the way to earth. It is a distant sound in her head, a sound that makes President Roslin fear she may be a Cylon. 

Speaking of Cylons, Chief, Colonel Tigh, Anders, and Tory are trying to figure out what it means now that they know they're Cylons. Anders starts freaking out immediately and gets recognized by a raider, who refuses to shoot him. They have their, what appears to be daily, meetings and Callie, who is afraid Chief is having an affair with co-Cylon Tory, follows them to the meeting where she hears that her husband is a skinjob. She wants to throw herself and her half-Cylon (yes! there is another one) out the Airlock, but Tory talks her out of it, gets the baby and then proves herself to be a raving bitch by airlocking Callie by herself. (Yes, true believers, Callie is gone). Chief goes mad with it, cuts off all his hair, yells at Adama until he demotes him (I believe to keep his Cylon ass from destroying any more ships) and is afraid to touch anything until Baltar's asking for forgiveness touches something in him. Also, there is a Civil War going on between the one group (1, 4, 5 and one 8) and another group (2, 6, and the rest of the 8s). It went so far that group one decided to destroy all of group two. 

Starbuck - who is probably not a Cylon - was almost shot by Laura Roslin after Starbuck took her hostage to make her choose whether Laura believed she was a Cylon or herself miraculously returned. This hostage taking upset Adama, but he got over it and put her on a ship to find earth. On that ship, she proceeded to go crazy, scaring her crew. A 2 (Leoben) gets captured with tales of Cylon genocide and a helping hand extended by the remaining Cylons, who are so far from a resurrection ship that death is death now. Starbuck, Sharon (now Athena), Anders and a few others go to the baseship and talk to the Hybrid (see Prophecies below). Meanwhile on the ship that Starbuck left, Helo is hoping they will get back soon while Gaeta (shot by Anders when he was going to jump against Starbuck's wishes) is hoping Doc Cottle won't have to cut off his leg. Just as Helo was going to have to jump, he heard the sweet, sweet sounds of his precious Athena and, as Alan Sepinwall writes, all your basestars are belong to us!

Meanwhile, back at the Galactica, Roslin has lost her hair and is beginning to believe Baltar's BS without the Baltar BS. Baltar is becoming a guru and you would almost believe he's part of the Hybrid's Prophecy (see Prophecies below), except it's much too obvious. Oh yeah, did I mention that Baltar's not only seeing Head 6, but he also saw Head Baltar? He's frakkin' insane with all this one God nonsense.

One Eye Tigh keeps seeing his dead ex-wife everywhere, including in the 6's face, where he lets her beat the ever lovin' hell out of him right before making out with her. Yeah. He's hiding that he's a Cylon real well. 

Hybrid Prophecies: 
From Razor - At last they've come for me. I feel their lives, their destinies spilling out before me. The denial of the one true path, played out on a world not their own, will end soon enough. Soon, there will be four, glorious in awakening. Struggling with the knowledge of their true selves. The pain of revelation bringing new clarity. And in the midst of confusion, he will find her, enemies brought together by impossible longing, enemies now joined as one. The way forward, at once unthinkable, yet inevitable. And the fifth, still in shadow, will claw toward the light, hungering for redemption that will only come in the howl of terrible suffering. I can see them all. The seven now six self-described machines, machines who believe themselves without sin. But in time, it is sin that will consume them. They will know enmity, bitterness, the wrenching agony of the one splintering into the many and then they will join the promised land, gathered on the wings of an Angel. Not and end, but a beginning.

Kara Thrace will lead the human race to its end. She is the herald of the apocalypse, the harbinger of death. They must not follow her. As my own existence comes to a close only to begin anew in ways uncertain. All this has happened before and will happen again. Again. Again. Again. Again.

From season 4 episode 6, Faith - Thus it will come to pass. A dying leader will know the truth of the Opera House. The missing Three will give you the Five who come from the home of the Thirteenth. You are the harbinger of death, Kara Thrace. You will lead them all to their end. End of Line.

Well, what the hell is that supposed to mean?

If my "synopsis" didn't do it for you, you can watch the episodes for free online at scifi.com


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