11 Days In...

Well, I made it to the 11th Hour's Readers' Choice Awards and here's what I saw:

Chris Horne looking silly in a frilly shirt, then looking crazy in an ugly shirt, then looking damn good in a suit and tie (you clean up good, son!)

Dusko Wo turning downtown into Mac Town Down. It was live up in the Capitol!

Jared Wright throwing down when it was his turn to play in the singer songwriter showcase. I will definitely be checking Red Swill out on January 24 at 550 Blues.

UFOs Over Denmark killing the stage. Those guys really rocked my socks off.

Market City Cafe and Marco (my two favourite restaurants) winning awards!

Ben Jones' relative humidity joke in front of a rabbi

The list could go on. Tonight, it will not.

So the "unofficial" after party was at the Red Eye Tavern, but I'd already made the decision to finally check out the Dirty Iguana. First of all, the prospect of the Dirty Iguana was kind of daunting. It's way the heck out of walking distance and though I love my downtown and feel comfortable walking just about anywhere, walking from the lights of Cherry Street to the almost forbidding and industrial looking Plum has stopped me until I had this resolve. So I do it up Doctor Who style. I throw on a suit, put on my converse and I head to the door.

The bouncer turns me away. He doesn't like my shoes. Fortunately for me, the other guys did and because I'm such a lovely girl, I get to go in, converse and all. I mean, don't make me pull out my sonic screwdriver. I'll make my own door! For the 1 person that got that joke, thank you. I definitely watch too much tv. When I got in, I was like, "Why in the heck is he turning people away? Nobody's here!" Of course, I broke the cardinal rule of clubbing, which is showing up at 10. Everyone knows you don't get to the club until 2 hours before it closes. But that's okay though. I had the bartender all to myself.

Of course, I'm meeting new people left and right and I am finding out interesting things about the club, insight into the keen minds of the owners and their staff. I also put dollar bills in dancing girls' socks, but that's a story for another time.

I really enjoyed myself at the Dirty Iguana. If you're not self conscious (and who wouldn't be with the world standing in a big circle staring at anyone who dares to dance?) this place is great. Every place I've been has a small ass dance floor that, when the party gets going, you start elbowing people in the face because it's so crowded. And I'm tall. And sometimes, when I'm not wearing converse, I'm wearing heels. But this place has a LOT of space, so it's fun for those of us who are freaks, or married, or both, who like to just get out and dance. And the DJ was phenomenal. I would say DJ Andre rocks my world, but there's a certain Honey that wouldn't like that, so I'll say DJ Andre rocks my dance floor.

The drinks were good and the tender remembered my propensity for sweet and kept them coming. And by them, I mean the 3 drinks I had because I'm a lightweight.

I'm glad I didn't miss the Awards or this night. Dirty Iguana has a $5 cover charge,$6 dollar drinks (at least on Thursdays, I'll find out about Saturday) and a whole lotta fun, after 10. (Did you catch my tv reference, since this is a tv blog?)


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