My Emmy Picks

Some categories are easy. Some are harder and others are just plain impossible. To see the nominations list, see this post (or just scroll down).

Best comedy series: 30 Rock. I have to say that I anticipated and enjoyed the stories told by the office, but 30 Rock really surprised me this year. I mean, I thought I would like it, but I found it a little slow initially. Then one day, it was just hilarious. If I had to go with the most consistently funny, I would pick The Office, but the show that caused the most surprised laughter moments, it was 30 Rock. However, if The Office wins, I will not be made.

Best Drama: House. I was never a Sopranos watcher. I tried to watch an episode when it moved to A&E, but just gave up on it. Hugh Laurie, to me, is a compelling man to watch and the fact that the show was the same every week and yet I still couldn't wait to catch an episode tells me that, as a drama, it was very impactful. Now, the most drama filled show is Grey's Anatomy and just because I'm a sappy girl and like my soaps, I wouldn't be mad if GA got it. House deserves it.

Lead Actor in a Comedy: Alec Baldwin. I think Ricky Gervais is funny, so if he gets it for Extras, I will be happy for him, however, I haven't seen a full episode. I will make up for that oversight this weekend. I also like Steve Carell, but once again, it is about who had the best laughs overall for me.

Lead Actor in a Drama: Denis Leary. Last season of Rescue Me was very intense. Denis Leary's Tommy Gavin was both strong and weak, fully realized in a person and realistically so.

Lead Actress in a Comedy: Tina Fey. 30 Rock was the best comedy because of Tina Fey's Liz Lemon. Everything about this character is hilarious. And she interacts hilariously with every single character on the show. No one on this list is as funny as Tina Fey. And for the record, all of the desperate housewives had too much drama to be nominated for lead in a comedy series, but Teri Hatcher's Susan Mayer...Delfino would have been a better choice.

Lead Actress in a Drama: Kyra Sedgwick. The Closer is the best drama to me. I never could get into Brothers and Sisters and although I like SVU, it gets old. I hear Mariska Hargitay had some very good storylines last season, but I didn't really catch them. The Closer anchored my summer viewing schedule and I know if it were a fall season show, I would skip another show to watch it. Edie Falco will probably win it though. I hear she's a powerhouse when it comes to the acting game.

Supporting Actor in a Comedy: Rainn Wilson. Dwight Shrute is the funniest human being on the planet. Neil Patrick Harris as Barney is a close second. Jeremy Piven will probably win. Unless Entourage really sucked... which I heard it did. Ed Helms' Andy Bernard should have gotten a nomination. That would have made this category really hard with Rainn Wilson still winning hands down.

Supporting Actor in a Drama: Masi Oka. Hiro worship aside, I really enjoyed Hiro, from the excited man-child who discovered he could bend time and space to the sad man-child who loses the woman he comes to love and loses his powers, to the triumphant man who is the only one that can truly beat Silar... aww, it's all Hiro worship. Otherwise, I would be gnawing my nails to nubs over whether it should go to John Locke or Ben from Lost. I think John Locke had the best most interesting journey that was more than ably portrayed by Terry O'Quinn. Ben was more than creepy and Michael Emerson does a good job making us fear him and want to believe the words that are coming out of his mouth. T.R. Knight will probably get it because he was involuntarily outed.

Supporting Actress in a Comedy: Jenna Fischer. Conchata Ferrell is the funniest thing about Two and a Half Men, a sitcom I do not like. Jaime Pressly is hilarious as Joy and I think Vanessa Williams plays one of the most interesting characters on television, yet Jenna Fischer had the funniest character this past season. I'm surprised that 30 Rock's Jane Krakowski didn't get a nomination nod. She is what pushed the show over the edge for me (the botox episode - I laughed so hard I thought I was going to die; Rural Juror... oh my word, she was funny).

Supporting Actress in a Drama: Sandra Oh. The Grey's girls had a really good season of acting and storylines. I like Rachel Griffiths and her character on Brothers and Sisters, but I did not like the show, so I didn't watch. Not a Sopranos fan, so my pick is Sandra Oh's Christina Yang. She was the character I most rooted for. I think it was because her tact and drive were compelling to me.

These picks are not perfect, but at least they're mine.

As for the writing, the best writing in a comedy category had two scripts from 30 Rock, two from The Office and one from Extras. If one of those doesn't win best comedy category, then there is something legitimately screwed up with this voting process. The Office chose Gay Witch Hunt, the first episode from the third season where Michael outs Oscar, and The Negotiations where Michael finally gets a raise for himself. 30 Rock's offering, on the other hand, is Tracy Does Conan, where Tracy Morgan goes off his meds and is basically crazy on Conan O'Brian's show, and Jack-Tor, where Jack has to act on The Girl Show and where Tracy refuses to read the cue cards (Alec Baldwin was hilarious as someone who couldn't act his way out of a paper bag), two very funny episodes. I haven't seen the Extras, but it was the Daniel Radcliffe episode. 30 Rock should win it and Jack-Tor should get it.

In the best writing in a drama category, there are 3 nominations for The Sopranos, which I will ignore, a Battlestar Galactica episode, the season 3 opener which was a 2 parter and a Lost episode, the season finale, which was a hell of a shocker. If they'd nominated the BSG season finale, I think it might have beat Lost. I think the Lost finale should win it all!


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